On May 2 of this year, a scant two and a half weeks ago, I gave birth to my third daughter. Delivery was the culmination of an extremely long and excruciatingly painful pregnancy that has kept me away from not only my writing responsibilities, but life in general. I am thrilled and relieved to say that in addition to gaining an absolutely gorgeous and perfectly healthy baby, I've lost a large percentage of the daily pain I was in (along with 32 pounds!) and am finally able to get back to work.
So why haven't I?
Well, over the next two weeks, my family will be moving back to the St. Louis area. Due to a number of circumstances, my husband and I have decided it will be best for us to leave Quincy and return "home"--bringing us closer to family and better opportunities. So instead of keeping up on social media, I'm currently resigned to packing.
However, by June I should be settled in the new place and ready to get back to the daily grind of things. So keep your eyes open, I'll be making an official reappearance shortly. In the meantime, I'm looking forward to the publication of my short story, "Cutting Lies," in the upcoming anthology by Stitched Smile Publications, entitled "Unleashing the Voices Within." Here's a gander at the awesome cover:
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